Hiking The Cotswold Way

Thinking of Hiking The Cotswold Way ?

Here are 3 Great Reasons to choose a local Company

Cotswold Village view

Many people choose to use a holiday company when hiking The Cotswold Way. It takes the stress out of organising the trip yourself. The company you use should be able to book up your accommodation make any transfer arrangements. Get your luggage from place to place and offer general advice about the experience of hiking the route. If you decide to use a company to organize your holiday here are 3 Great reasons to choose a company that is local to route you are walking.

1 Your Accommodation – A local company should know most of the available accommodation on the route. They will have visited the places and seen where you will be staying. They will also often have personal relationships with the accommodation providers. They will have choices in each location and are not driven by choosing the least expensive option for their guests.

2 Local Knowledge – information about the area. Transport options and local services. Any local events that might be on. Where you can leave your car or the best way to get to certain places. Experience is gained by living in an area and knowing people and places. In this case, The Cotswolds.

3 The Hiking Route –  A local company should have knowledge of hiking the route you have chosen. In this case, hiking The Cotswold Way. They can offer advice on sections of the route. What the hiking is like and the best times to hike. Advice is based on personal experience and not second-hand knowledge.

If you are thinking of hiking The Cotswold Way then get in touch here. We can offer you advice based on 12 years experience as a local hiking Company. We have over 40 years experience of living and working  in The Cotswolds.

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